The National Education Policy 2076 and University Grant Commission (UGC) guideline has specified the requirement of Integrated Education Management Information System (IEMIS) for every higher education institution.
In National Education Policy 2076, page11, Clause – 9.24 it has written:
९.२४ सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रबिधिलाई शिक्षण सिकाइ प्रक्रियाको अभिन्न अङ्गका रूपमा एकिकृत गर्दै प्रविधिमैत्री, व्यावहारिक र नतिजामूलक बनाउने । सङ्घ, प्रदेश र स्थानीय स्तरमा अनलाइनमा आधारित एकीकृत शैक्षिक सूचना व्यवस्थापन प्रणाली (Integrated Educational Management Information System-IEMIS) को सुदृढीकरण गर्ने ।
In National Education Policy 2076, page 63, Clause – 10.48 (Policy) it has written:
नीति १०.४८ सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधिलाई शिक्षा प्रणालीको अभिन्न अंगको रुपमा एकिकृत गर्दै विद्यालय तथा शिक्षण संस्था प्रविधिको पूर्वाधार विकास गर्ने र शिक्षण सिकाइ प्रव्रिmयालाई सूचना प्रविधिमैत्री बनाउने ।
Hence, Phye Gan Pvt. Ltd. have developed Bwonekuthi (Education Management Information System- EMIS) to fulfill the requirement. Bwonekuthi is a complete online web based integrated system, which integrates different modules such as
1. Setting & Security Module
2. Administrative Module
3. Front-desk Module
4. Class & Routine Module
5. Attendance Module
6. Exam Module
7. Human Resource Module
8. Library Module
9. Learning Management Information System Module
10. SMS Module
11. Transportation Module
12. Inventory Management Module
13. Account & Finance Module
14. Student Alumni Module
Beside Bwonekuthi, Phye Gan have developed bonus system integrated to the Bwonekuthi as
1. Student/Parent web portal
2. Teacher web portal
where students/parents and teacher can get different information and perform different activities.
As per Inland Revenue Department (IRD), any software performing billing activity must be approved by IRD and should be connected to Central Billing Management System (CBMS). Hence, Bwonekuthi has ben approved by IRD for billing activity.
And as per University Grant Commission (UGC), any higher education institution must implement Integrated EMIS to get Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA), Bwonekuthi will be the best option to get installed for IEMIS.
Some of the features of Bwonekuthi
1. Web based software
Bwonekuthi is full web-based software, where software will be installed in local server at the college premises. Bwonekuthi can be accessed from any device including laptop, desktop, mobile and tablets with in a local network. It can be accessed out of the local network through internet as well using static IP. Student/parent portal and teacher portal are meant to be accessed form the local network and internet but Bwonekuthi is recommended to be accessed from the local network only.
2. User Friendly Interface.
Bwonekuthi is more friendly to use with graphical representation to understand reports in a glance and can be accessed from any device.
3. Security
Bwonekuthi is more secure to use and provides access to the system on the basis of user group. Only authenticate user will have access to the authorized modules and menu. Each user including administrative staff, staff, faculty member, teacher, students and parents will have unique login id and password. Each user will be assigned to a unique group and each group will have unique authorization. This will provide full security at system level.
4. No limitation
There is no limitation in number of student and staff. Bwonekuthi is capable of handling unlimited number of students and staffs.
5. Unique ID
Each student will get a unique identity number and barcode while enrolling in a program, through which complete information and history of each student can be viewed. Information includes, but not limited to family background, educational background, academic history, financial history, performance history, library history attendance history and many more.
5. Academic Calendar
Each Semester will have unique academic calendar to indicate the academic activities, such as regular working days, public and college holidays (exam preparation holiday vacation and other holidays provided by college), exam, events etc. On the basis of which class routine and attendance will be affected.
7. Class progress schedule
Teacher will create class progress schedule indicating the lecture topic and sub topic, class activities, lecture delivery hour and delivered hour with deviation notes. This will help administrative staff to calculate and manage the class routine and remaining working days. Auto calculation of remaining class hours on the basis of routine and academic calendar of each program and semester.
8. Student/Staff Attendance and Leave
Staff will have biometric attendance which will be imported in the system, whereas student will have class wise attendance in the system to calculate exact class attended by the students. This will be represented in a graphical chart. Similarly, students can apply for leave through the student portal.
9. Examination
Generate, calculate and keep record of internal and board exam. On the basis of marks obtained, analytical graphs, mark sheet, marks ledger and other reports are generated individually, semester wise and section wise.
10. Feedback on student performance
Feedback on student from teachers in different category are recorded in the system which generates performance radar and comparison chart.
11. Student Pay Schedule and billing
Student bill can be generated individually and/or batch wise based on pay schedule. Each student can have a unique pay schedule for fee payment. This payment can further be segregated into installments with individual discount, scholarship and performance discount. Generates student account ledger, SMS reminder and SMS on each transaction. Generates different reports such as daily collection report, scholarship and discount report, payment due report etc.
12. Inventory Management
Keep track of inventory issued to the student with inventory allocation, allocated and remaining inventory records.
13. Transportation
Maintain record of students travelling from bus, maintain record of bus, route, pick-up and drop location and time.
14. Human Resource
Full detail of staff and teacher including but not limited to personal detail, bank detail and feature to attached CV. Teacher and subject mapping for each semester.
15. Library Module
Use of Barcode to track the book and book issued history.
16. Reports
Generates different reports in each module.